Friday, May 20, 2011

Is it a day of Rapture or the beginning of Z-Day?

Imagine waking up and looking out the window and seeing Miami in chaos. Yes, that is what would happen in the event of a zombie outbreak. The CDC felt like they had to give us pointers on how to survive the Zombie apocalypse. Um hello, you cannot prepare for zombies as you do for a hurricane. Based on the CDC checklist, all these items are necessary but not all that you need to survive a zombie outbreak.

Water (1 gallon per person per day)
Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)
Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
First Aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)

Now these are the items that you are going to need to survive:

Weapons (Lots of them)
Katana Sword (My weapon of choice) Machete’s or any other sharp bladed objects which will keep you out of the zombies reach.
Bow and Arrows (Silent but Deadly – Remember head shots, preferably through the eye).
Guns (Not practical since other zombies will hear and converge, but if you are surrounded or in a jam, come out guns a blazing)
Sniper rifle with silencer (m4 or xm8 with silencer with a telescopic sight)
Cheap booze in glass bottles, strips of rags and gasoline (Can’t make Molotov cocktails without it)
Solid blunt objects (Bats are good, in case you have to bash some brains)

Wood (Lots of it) Also hammers and nails
Tall ladder (In case you have to escape onto the roof)
Flashlights (Better yet headlamps so you have full access to your weapons)
Flare gun with spare flares (In the event that you hear reports that they are rescuing survivors)
Bright colored paint (To write HELP SURVIVORS INSIDE on the roof)
Battery powered radio (Hopefully Car Talk on NPR will not be on)
Booze (Just to drink)

Ok, now that you have your supplies you need a place to hunker down. Some people will head to a mall (not practical, too many hiding places for zombies) or a church (Why, WWJD, he is the original zombie), military base (not good, have you ever seen a military base survive a zombie attack)? Or try to rescue family members (hopefully mine have their own plan in place because they live to far).

Now you want to find a secure building. Luckily I know and live in one. The Arms. 1st of all it is a 3 story building with only 2 entrances and the 1st floor windows are high enough off the ground that zombies will find it difficult to get into. (Unless they are fast moving zombies, then in that case we are all fucked!). The main entrance to the building is a strong gated door, so even if the zombie break the opaque plastic the metal bars and door will survive. The back door would have to be fortified with wood as well as the doors leading to each floor from the back stair well. On the 3rd floor there is access to the roof (that is where the ladder comes into play) in the event that zombies make it through my defenses.

A few major keys to survival: is for the zombies not to know that you are there, so no loud music or standing at the window gawking at them. Be organized and if you are with a group of people, you have to appoint a leader who is committed to keeping you all alive. Do not go into the streets if you do not have to, but if you do, getting into a car will attract attention, get on a bike and you can out run zombies (then again, if fast ones are involved, you are fucked). If you have to go into stores since your supplies are running low go in pairs, one with the sword and the other with a gun(s) and make sure to be aware of your surroundings especially the floor.

In the event that someone in your party is infected, you have roughly about 24 hours to do what you have to do. In the famous words of the Red Queen “Off with their head” Don’t worry that you are killing your friend, girlfriend, sister, wife…….well I wouldn’t think twice on that one. Think of it as being merciful and caring then watching a loved one turn into one of the undead.

Taking in outsiders. This is a tricky proposition since you do not know if they are infected and it will strain your supplies that much more. Personally, adults are on their own, but I would try to save a kid.

Well, there is so much more I could write and get into the real meat and potatoes of different scenarios but Max Brook wrote a book and beat me to it.

Gotta go do some work and sharpen my sword.

By the way, are we sure tomorrow is going to be the day of rapture or the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse