Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crazy is, what Crazy does!

I wonder if crazy people know that they are crazy? I mean can a person be so wrapped up in their fantasy life that they can’t see that they need help? Or is it that their insurance company doesn’t cover their meds anymore and they are waiting for the Obama plan to kick in?

Once again, names have been withheld to protect the idiots, or in this case the crazies.

We have this woman at work that I believe is certifiably crazy and the worst part is most of the people are afraid of her on the day she clicks! Well that day might have come a few weeks ago but we squashed it before it got out of hand. Meaning that upper up’s finally decided that they had to do something with her. I am 100% in firing her crazy ass, but unfortunately that is not my call to make. Most employee files are about an inch thick, but crazy has a file over 4 inches thick with all the crazy stuff she has done. We had a disciplinary hearing for her this past Tuesday and read off over 3 pages of counseling’s and incidents that she has had over the past year and she was in total shock. Mind you if I were to get called into one of these hearings, it’s a pretty fair shot that it is to be fired and I wouldn’t show up with my spouse, I would be coming in with 1 or 2 lawyers. Anyways luck may be on our side because her union rep didn’t even show up and she is a due paying member. Go figure, gotta love the Union from where I am sitting.

She has until tomorrow afternoon to submit her rebuttal to the hearing and I keep laughing at the emails that I am receiving from her since we gave her a directive not to call or appear in the office until this is all resolved, but of course I forgot to include an email addendum to the no contact letter. She wants us to provide her with the names of all the employees, public, managers, floating voices, etc… that have complained about her and also copies of her entire file and our own supervisor notes……Ummm……yeah……I don’t think so.

So let’s see if the firing gods are on my side and until then I keep walking outside keeping an eye out for crazy people.